$HOLYSHIB is a deflationary, fritionless yield and Liquidity protocol.
360, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000
Liquidity is fully locked. 2% of transaction fees are further added to liquidity. This contributes to less volatity.
2% of every transaction gets redistributed to holders in proportion to their holdings. That means you earn more $HOLYSHIB by just holding it in your wallet.
1. 50% for the winner.
Congratulations to the winner!
2. 20% for the last 7 buyers.
Prize is distributed based on ticket Buy-In-Size.The more you bought, the more you get.
3. 20% for next rocket.
We take 20% of the pot to Kick-Start the next game.
4. 10% for the $HOLYSHIB LP.
Straight pump into uniswap liquidity pool.
Buy 1 ticket ($1.10) entitled to join the rocket lottery, and choose A-Z for Box 1 to 4.
Rocket pool will be filled with $1.00 of your 1 ticket. The remaining $0.10 will be community development funds.
5 mins per round, if there is no winner, 1% of total pool given to the last bet lucky gamer and 99% of prize pool will accumulate to next round.
1. Create a MetaMask Wallet
$HOLYSHIB token is available on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask is a third party ERC20 (Ethereum) browser wallet, and the very best at that!
On Google Chrome,visit metamask.io to download the extension and set up a wallet.
On mobile?
Get MetaMask’s app for iPhone or Android.
2. Send $ETH to MetaMask
Acquire Ethereum through MetaMask itself or transfer to your MetaMask wallet address from another wallet (e.g. Coinbase or Binance).
3. Visit Uniswap
Find the official $HOLYSHIB contract address here (0xaabbb.......) and connect your wallet to Uniswap.
4. Swap $ETH for $HOLYSHIB
Select from: ETH; To: Paste in official $HOLYSHIB contract address and click inport.
Enter the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $HOLYSHIB.
The coming months
Launch Thaen Website
Launch Social Media Sites (Twitter, Telegram, Dis- cord, Reddit, and more!) Apply for listing on Poo- coin and Dogged Finance Begin Marketing on Social Media
Airdrop allocation
Reach 2,000 holders
Apply for listing
Apply for listing CoinMar- ketCap
Reach 20,000 holders Apollo 21 launch!
$HOLYSHIB Wallet Dapp for IOS, Android & Web Development of $HOLY SHIB Fun Games Press Releases announc ing $HOLYSHIB and Games
SHOLYSHIB token burn
Reach 100,000 holders Rocket Bacchus launch! (SHOLYSHIB community party time!)
$HOLYSHIB token burn
Rocket Zeus launch!(Grand Rocket!)
$HOLYSHIB token burn